Field Sprayer Poly Eco - IDEAL SRl
Poly Eco
Model Poly Eco
Vigneti Frutteti Mais e cereali Orticoltura  

Poly Eco is the functional and multi-purpose sprayer allowing various types of treatments, according to the equipment chosen. Indeed, it can be equipped with both small booms for inter-row weed-control and manual-mechanic rear booms for treatments to small-sized open-field crops.
Also, for chemical treatments to medium- and high-sized plants, it can be equipped with high pressure guns or vertical spraying booms.

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Ideal Italia

Warning: These dimensions are just nominal. They can change according to drawbar, wheels, fan and boom used.

Standard Plus

Low- or high- pressure pump and control device, according to users’ needs.

Non-return valve on the circuit-rinsing system.

Low pressure pump and control device

Poly Eco is available with low pressure pump and control device, to be used with low pressure guns, inter-row booms or mechanic rear booms.

Poly Eco

Ideal Italia Mechanic boom for inter-row weed control, to be applied on the front of the tractor and available in both the single (one side) and double (two sides) versions. This boom is equipped with 3 anti-drip jets, safety spring and plastic cover on each side and is available in various versions in order to work on rows 2 to 6 meters wide.
Optional: Jokey wheel.
Ideal Italia Mechanic “conical” boom for inter-row weed control, to be applied on the front of the tractor and available in both the single (one side) and double (two sides) versions. This boom is equipped with one anti-drip jet per side as well as a conical anti-drift protection made of rubber and can work on rows 2 to 3 meters wide.
Ideal Italia Hydraulic boom “Baby V” for inter-row weed control to be applied on the front of the tractor and available in the double version to spray both sides of the row. This boom is equipped with anti-drip jets and anti-drift protection, as well as 4 jacks for its individual arms’ extension and lifting. It is available in different versions in order to work on rows 1.80 to 6 meters wide.
Optional: Electro-hydrualic distributor
Ideal Italia Mechanic “SP” boom for inter-row weed control of the complete row, to be applied on the back of the tractor (or sprayer). This boom is equipped with anti-drip jets, safety springs on both sides and nylon brush protection and is available in various versions to work on rows 2 to 6 meters wide.

Poly Eco is available with high pressure pump and control device, to be used with guns or vertical spraying booms.

Poly Eco
Poly Eco

With high pressure pump and control device,

Poly Eco is available with high pressure pump and control device, to be used with guns or vertical spraying booms.

Ideal Italia Vertical spraying boom (4+4 jets).
Ideal Italia Spraying high-pressure guns with various spraying ranges.
